Student Survival Guide - How to get through your first Midwifery placement
Hi lovely student midwives/aspiring student midwives! I hope the anxiety of starting your first placement isn't taking you away from enjoying this sunshine - if it is, this post is going to guide you in the right direction. So, your first midwifery placement - aaaaa - I can literally feel the anxiety as I think back to my first placement! It was on the postnatal ward and I literally knew nothing. How could I? We had had a few weeks of lectures on the anatomy of the human body, one clinical skills session on moving and handling ( yawn ) and then we were chucked onto the wards, feet first. I walked around in a daze, clinging onto my mentor for safety (in case of what exactly, I do not know). The great thing about your first placement is that the expectations of you are so low that if you turn up with the correct uniform and a smile, then you're already doing fab. Use this time to just get used to your surroundings, how the ward works, who the midwives/doctors/support workers are ...